Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Bay of Pigs - 1627 Words

In this paper, I will do a case study on the Bay of Pigs and why the United States tried to conduct this attack. I will find out what intelligence led to this invasion attempt as well as what intelligence failures were made which resulted in the failure of the invasion. I will discuss what impact the Bay of Pigs had on the United States Intelligence community and what changes was made. I will end this paper with any findings I have concluded to if the failure has any affect on how the U.S. conducts intelligence in today’s world. On April 19, 1961, the United States was ready to be a part of a missile attack. The mission became a complete failure and many people were killed during this time. President Kennedy had withdrawn his†¦show more content†¦However, Kennedy was cautious, concerned that the size of the operation would threaten his ability to deny U.S. involvement with the exile brigade. He became increasingly worried that the role of the U.S. in the operation cou ld no longer be concealed. Although Eisenhower, Kennedy and other high ranking U.S. officials denied any plans to attack Cuba, on October 31, 1960, Cuban Foreign Minister Raul Roa, in a session at the U.N. General Assembly, provided details on the recruitment and training of the Cuban exiles, whom he referred to as mercenaries and counterrevolutionaries. It was clear to Kennedy that Cuba knew an invasion was coming. Therefore, he changed the original plan, which called for a daytime landing at Trinidad, as well as extensive air strikes to weaken Castro’s counteroffensive. Kennedy thought the plan exposed the role of the United States too openly, and favored a nighttime landing at Bay of Pigs, which offered a suitable airstrip on the beach from which bombing raids could be operated. Once the bay was secured, the provisional Cuban government-in-arms set up by the CIA would be landed and immediately recognized by the U.S. The new government would request military support and a new â€Å"intervention† would take place. However, things did not turn out the way Kennedy hoped them to. On Sunday April 16, a team of frogmen went ashore and set up landing lights to guide the operation. TheShow MoreRelatedThe Bay Of Pigs1217 Words   |  5 PagesThe Bay of Pigs was an attempted invasion that occurred on the south coast of Cuba. While researching this occurrence, it seems that it was a failed attempt to invade communist Cuba. This invasion was to overthrow the communist leader, Fidel Castro, had power in office until the year 2008. The main reason for the failure, many believe, is because of the Central Intelligence Agency, under the power of the young President John F. Kennedy (Bay of Pigs 378). 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